Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year

Reader: Why bother having a blog if you never update it?

Me: Yeah, I know. Sorry. I'm a lame blogger.

Reader: I mean, it's not like you have anything else to do.

Me: Ha ha.

Reader: I know you're busy but what happened to the blog?

Me: When I started the blog I had more time to work on it - it was summertime and the livin' was easy. When things started getting busy again, something had to go. I mean, I have LOTS of ideas for things to write about....I guess I'm just lazy. Sorry.

Reader: It's OK, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I just hate it when someone starts something and then doesn't keep it up. Oops -- that sounds kind of naughty.

Me: Hey! This is a PG blog! Well, maybe R but watch it, OK?

Reader: Sorry, sorry. I lost my head. Oh oh, I said "head." Is that bad?

Me: Knock it off!

Reader: OK. So, do you think you'll try to do more blogging now?

Me: Yeah, I suppose so. I have some issues that are burning to be flamed.

Reader: That's good! Flame on! Wait, that's not dirty, right?


Reader: Sorry. I couldn't resist. Hey, what does the picture have to do with this blog?

Me: Nothing. I just know that people don't like to read blogs if there aren't any photos.



knottykitty said...

Well, we can certainly tell what's on your mind....ahem! You are toooo funny! Happy New Year! :)

Anne Turner said...

Hugs and Kisses.....silly woman

Sharon Rose said...

I've missed you horribly. Hope you're getting the action you so clearly desire and deserve. :)