Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Whilst listening to Jeff Buckley's awesome version of the song Hallelujah, I decided I needed to post something. It's been a while, I know, but I've had a lot going on. Maybe a little too much. I'll try to recap the last few weeks as briefly as possible:

work = busy
home life = strained but moving forward
STBX = moved out
mood = good
on-line life = fun and different
OKC = over and out
UK friend = mad about me, calls daily
Other OKC friends = still in contact
off-line life = fun and different
dinner date = new "activity" partner (strictly platonic)
new activity partner = lots of gifts!
health = still in question but thinking positively
CT = clear
CA125 = not so clear (WTF!)
quest for iPod = complete!

That's it, in outline form. I am ramping up for my trip to Singapore and Bali at the end of the week!!!!!!!!! Only problem is I have NO idea what I'm going to wear. It's going to be over 90 and sticky the whole time I'm there. I don't know about you but if I'm wearing a skirt and it's hot and sticky, so are my thighs. I hate that. I'll have to do some creative wardrobe thinking. As Edna Mode would say - NO SHORTS! I'm going to try to post while there if I can. I'll take lots of pictures and keep a hand written diary (imagine that) so I will have lots of fodder for the blog.