Friday, June 29, 2007

le' go my LEGO

Last night I died and went to heaven. I know, freaky isn't it! I died yet I can still write this blog from the great beyond! Okay, what really happened is that I discovered the LEGO store in Bellevue. You heard me - the LEGO STORE, in my state, within driving distance. Granted, it isn't as amazing as the LEGO store outside of Disneyland - no life-sized giraffe made out of LEGOs - but it does have the LEGO wall. You buy a cup for X amount and then cram that sucker as full of LEGOs as you can. They had colors that I've never seen in a LEGO before, like bright orange and lime green. That's right, LIME GREEN! (Oh my gosh, as I'm writing this there is a show on the TV where the family is visiting Legoland! Do, do, do do.....)

I was think that opening a LEGO shop would be great so I actually wrote to the company to ask if I could open a store. Here is what they said:

"We appreciate your interest in the possibility of opening a retail outlet carrying a full line of LEGO brand toys in your area. Your interest in this type of business venture certainly does attest to your enthusiasm for our products.

We would like to explain how LEGO toys are sold. Our products are marketed through a variety of established retail distribution channels; toy supermarkets, national chain discount stores, catalog showrooms, department stores, and specialty toyshops. Additionally, the LEGO Shop at Home Service and LEGO Outlet Stores are corporate direct-marketing programs. In conjunction with our business objectives, we do not offer any sort of franchises or assist in establishing businesses for individuals who wish to sell our products exclusively."

I think that's a nice way of saying "nah uh, you freak." I wrote back telling them that I think they are making a mistake. We'll just have to see how that goes over.

The Wall of Happiness


knottykitty said...

Very cool, DB! Just thought I would pop in for a little visit! So, where's the bar in this blog? I could use a drink about now!

I must say that I am a little worried about you wanting to open a Lego store! Can you imagine trying to keep all of those Lego blocks separated and off the floor? That's just askin' for it if you ask ME...I would just want to be there when the busload of 1st graders wanders in...:p

Anonymous said...

Lime green legos? Holy sh*t! ME WANT! I used to build my dream homes with legos - modest things, painful to step on. What joy the little plastic things create... Since they won't let you open a lego shop you should just have great big lego orgies in your house. We'll wear pjs and sit on the floor making ourselves wonky putting the pieces of all sorts of fantastical things together. That's bliss, right?

Sharon Rose said...

My favorite thing about that Lego store is the little diaramas they have around the edges. :)

Tava said...

Did you see the golden legos? My little brother introduced me to the store you speak of last year and showed me golden legos. Big deal I guess...