Wednesday, June 20, 2007

livin' large

I have some comments about weight. I recently visited my doctor - a guy I happen to have respect for - and we talked conversationally about weight. He has always told me that being a little meaty is a sign of health and a far better thing to be struggling with then, say, cancer. Agreed. But our society insists on cramming skinny down our throats at every turn. I know that we are in some way enablers - we buy the mags, we watch the shows - but there has to be some way to make it all stop. I'm all for health and good diet but come on. I would like to see a catalog with normal shaped people in clothes that are flattering. Better yet, I'd like not to give a crap.

I use to blame organized religion for much of the world's ills but I have a friend - a very intelligent guy - who told me that religion can't be blamed because without it, we would still find differences to fight about. Color, money, ....weight. How many times have you looked at an obese person and made a snap judgment about their intelligence level? "If they were smart, they wouldn't let themselves get so big." What a load of crap. (Some of the unhealthiest people I know are vegans. How's that for a generalization.) We all have our issues. Some we are born with and can't do anything about. Some we are just too lazy to deal with. Some are just not important enough to invade our daily space. I would like weight to be one of those things that doesn't invade my daily space. I have been thin and liked it but don't want to be distracted by being thin again. I want to be healthy and that's it.


Anonymous said...

I have a good friend who constantly rallies for the switch from saying/thinking 'I'm fat' to 'I don't feel healthy at the moment.' It takes a lot of the stigma, anxiety, and stress out of it and replaces those things with possibility, hope, and some perspective. Good to see you anonymously!

Sharon Rose said...

amen sister!