Thursday, June 28, 2007

Turning Japanese

This past Monday I had lunch with my friend Roy. Roy is in his 70's and is the father of my best bud PR. He is by far the coolest "old guy" I know. We had lunch at the Bay Cafe at Fisherman's Warf and then went for a walk in Discovery Park. It was a beautiful day for walking and talking. (I told him about my ruminations about the Demartini method, poor guy.) Roy is a fantastic photographer. He is a member of the Seattle Photographic Society and has won many awards over the years. I just received a DVD in the mail today with several of his favorite photographs. I will be posting many of his photos in my new "photo of the week" section. This man should be making money with these things! He has such a great eye. If only he were a few years younger.....

(This photo is of Discovery Park and was taken by Patricia Reed.)

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