Sunday, July 15, 2007

Mosquito Coast

Well, it wasn't really the coast so much as the bank of a river. I borrowed my neighbor's cabin (just west of Leavenworth) for the weekend for some much desired R&R. I went with my friend KnittinKitten, her daughter, and our dogs. It was clear the SECOND we got there that we were not going to get a lot of communing with nature done, unless you consider being covered with insects communing. The heat was a bit oppressive as well. Fortunately, we were all happy to be lazy and found lots to do (or not do) inside. We did venture in to Leavenworth for a day and practiced our running from shady spot to shady spot - the only exercise we got (besides improving our Yahtzee arms).

On the way to the cabin, we stopped at a rural market to grab something to make for dinner. (Thank goodness they were out of opossum!) This market had a little rundown restaurant attached to it called - sadly enough - The Happy Clown. This place was right out of an X-files episode, complete with inbred patrons and a female clerk with a shiner. The story possibilities are endless!!! The only thing missing was the banjo player. Oh, for some of Stephen King's literary genes!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wish I'd known you were sooo close to me! My favourite place is on the way towards Leavenworth - Swauk Creek where we used to camp for a few weeks every summer. There is this podunk town called Liberty that I'm vaguely obsessed with near it. I wanted to be a forest ranger and be in the woods all the time (telling folks what to do and not to do!) and go to the super perfect breakfast place (it had lunch and dinner too) right off the road...ah, memories.