Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I'm humourous

62% Warmth, 50% Moisture

You are of the choleric temperament, ruled by the element of Fire. This humour's personality is usually active, energetic, hasty, and clever, but prone to foolishness through not taking the time to think. The medieval handbooks say that choleric people "have wine of the lion" - That is, they become angry and violent when drunk.

No, I don't! Really! I think I failed this test. Golden retrievers and otters are NOT angry drunks!

OKC update: The nice guy in Oregon that I thought was ignoring me has been writing to me. We had a very nice IM session this morning. (I love IM in the morning.) And then there is this kind of odd-in-a-good-way bloke in the UK who has been emailing me. I'm not sure why the 19-year-old from Kenmore sent me an email - maybe he thought I was his mom's friend or something. I don't even want to go there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least the choleric picture is pretty...